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- Emma Sinclair
Double Jeopardy Page 2
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Page 2
She opened her eyes to a room she didn’t recognize. It was huge—practically as big as her entire club. The room was dark, only lighted by a couple of wall sconces on the opposite side of the room. She was laid out on a large leather sofa. The only other furniture in the room was a desk in the corner and a high-backed chair directly across from the couch.
She sat up, a bit wobbly.
What had happened?
Everything came back to her at once. The strange man at her club—Cal, the raid, Jaz.
Her heart fell at the thought of her best friend.
And then there was an explosion.
So where was she now? She assumed she hadn’t been taken by the guards because jails generally weren’t this nice. Hell, nothing she’d ever seen was this nice. She’d never seen so many colors or textures in one room. When she got up, her feet sunk into a plush material. This was so much nicer than the steel flooring of her home.
“Where am I?”
As she suspected, no one answered.
She got up and began to slowly walk around the room. Her head pounded and she couldn’t manage any faster. When she reached the wall, she gasped in ecstasy. What she’d assumed was wallpaper printed to look like a room full of books was actually the real deal!
She picked one up and slid her hands over the cover. It was cool under her hands.
Real books.
She’d never seen one except behind glass at the local museum. To actually hold one was like holding the past in the palm of her hand.
The door creaked open and she dropped the book when she jumped.
“Good. You’re awake.”
Cal strolled in with a large mug in his hand. He was followed by a strange furry object. It let out a strange yelping sound and then dashed straight for Di.
She screamed.
“What the hell is that?”
She ran around the room until she was standing behind Cal. The strange creature seemed to think it was all some kind of a game.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little dog.”
“A dog?”
She’d heard of dogs but didn’t think they actually existed anymore. Anything that wasn’t neat and orderly was outlawed.
She stepped out from behind Cal and neared the creature.
It had apparently lost interest in chasing Di and now ran in circles trying to catch itself.
“It’s not very smart, is it?”
Cal laughed again.
“Orwell, come.”
The creature stopped what it was doing and ran directly towards Cal, plopping down at his feet.
“Would you like to pet him?”
Yes! “Oh, I don’t know.”
“He’s harmless. I promise.”
“Well, okay, I guess.”
He put down the mug and bent down next to the dog.
“Orwell, shake.”
Much to her amazement, the dog handed Cal his foot.
“Wow, he is smart.”
Di took a tentative step towards the man and his dog. She reached out her hand. Her fingers were almost to the dog’s head when it stuck out his long tongue and licked her.
Di jumped back. Cal laughed.
“That’s how he shows that he likes you.”
Di started at her hand. She didn’t know what she expected to happen, but her hand seemed no worse for wear. Just a little…slobbery.
Maybe she’d take her time getting to know the little beast. She turned and walked back towards the couch, plopping down.
“Where are we?”
Cal rubbed the dog on the head, he didn’t get licked, and demanded that the creature sleep on a bed in the corner. The dog did as he was told.
Cal crossed the room to the high-backed chair, but before sitting down, he gave Di the mug of steaming hot liquid.
“Please, tell me what’s going on,” she pleaded.
Cal knew she was going to ask sooner or later. He was just hoping that it would be later.
“Aren’t you going to drink your coffee?”
She peered at the beige liquid in the cup, he’d already added milk and sugar, swirling it around a few times. She looked at him questionably and then took a sip.
“This is good.”
He relaxed slightly. So the coffee was okay, but she was still a little bit iffy about the dog. He could deal with that.
“Now tell me what happened.”
“The club exploded.”
She jumped up, sloshing the liquid out of the cup.
“Was anybody hurt? I have to get back there.”
She set down the cup and tried to dash from the room. A quick command though and Orwell was blocking the door.
“Sit down, Di.”
“I have to get back to the club. Call off your dog.”
Cal had to chuckle when he stood up and turned towards the door. Di was standing back like she was ready to run if Orwell moved. For his part, the dog sat by the door happily wagging his tail. If Orwell was going to get anyone, he was going to lick them to death.
“You can’t go back to the club.”
“I have to.”
“Diana, you don’t understand. There’s no club to go back to.”
She whirled on him.
“I told you, don’t call me Diana!” She screamed.
The room fell into silence. Even Orwell seemed to understand the need for quiet at the moment.
“I’m s…” he started, but Di stopped him.
“Shut up. If you say you’re sorry I’m going to lose it.”
He stopped and remained quiet.
“The whole club blew up?”
“Do you want some food or something?”
He was stalling and they both knew it.
“I want to know what happened to my club.”
“The guards blew it up.”
Pain washed over her. She seemed to shrink before him. Where before she’d been tough-as-nails--a lion--she now looked like a wounded kitten.
“Is--was anyone still inside.”
“They’d barricaded the doors and wouldn’t let anyone out.”
“Oh Gods.”
Agony poured from her words and she collapsed to the ground. Or, she would have collapsed had Cal not moved fast enough to catch her.
“Let go of me.”
Even though she was too distraught to stand she still fought him. Wasn’t that just like a woman?
He ignored her.
He picked her up and carried her from the room. He knew that she was feeling really bad when she didn’t argue with him at all. He carried her up the huge marble staircase and into his bedroom.
The curtains were drawn, but as soon as he walked into the room, a soft light filtered through. He placed Di gently on the side of the bed.
“You should rest. Maybe take a hot bath. You’re upset. We can talk more tomorrow.”
He paused after every sentence waiting for her to argue with him, but she remained quiet. It was like all of the life had gone out of her. Hell, even the leather she was wearing appeared to be duller.
“I sent a maid out to get you some clothes. I’ll have someone bring them up to you when she returns.”
Please yell at me.
But still, she remained quiet.
Out of options, he turned to make his way out of the room. He figured he’d be sleeping on the couch in the library tonight. Damned uncomfortable thing.
“Please don’t go.”
“I don’t want...” she started. “Please don’t go.”
He turned around.
“Uh, okay.” He took a few steps back into the room. He didn’t know what to do. He was fidgeting, damn it. “What do you want to do?”
She shrugged her shoulders. Suddenly she looked so much younger than the twenty-seven years he knew her to be.
“Are you hungry? I can go get us some food? Maybe while I get dinner you could take that bath.”
Finally, she showed some signs of life and she smiled. For the first
time since they’d met.
She was beautiful in her kick-ass woman mode, but when she smiled, Cal didn’t think he’d ever seen anything quite so breathtaking.
She stood up and stalked towards him, her hips swinging with every step she took. Cal was finding that he was having a bit of trouble breathing.
She didn’t stop until she was standing directly in front of him. He looked down at her and was instantly presented with a magnificent view of those high breasts.
Cal had to wonder how he managed to not start drooling.
“I don’t want to be alone,” she said.
He had trouble swallowing over the huge lump in his throat.
And the only thing he could think was tits.
She reached out and slid her soft hand up the entire length of his arm until it was resting on his shoulder.
Cal’s cock jumped to attention, pressing hard against his fly.
“You’ll stay with me and keep me company, won’t you?”
Her hand trailed down his front, over his pecs, his stomach, to rest on the button of his pants. He was amazed that the button didn’t pop open of its own accord his cock was putting so much pressure on it.
“Have you ever been with a man before, Di?”
Her hand snapped back like she’d been burned.
She turned to walk away, but Cal reached out and grabbed her arm.
“Let. Me. Go.”
Each of the words was bit out between clenched teeth.
“Not until you answer my question.”
Flinging his arm away, she stalked away from him and began pacing the room.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve had plenty of sex. Good sex, too. I’ve had more orgasms than I can count.”
The thought of Di and orgasms was almost enough to make him come right there. Would her skin flush? Her eyes darken? Damn it, how tight would her pussy clench?
“But have any of those orgasms been with a man?” He asked again.
He didn’t know why, at first he’d just asked the question to get a rise out of her. Pretty ironic since his cock seemed to be the only think in the room rising. But now, he had to know.
And damn it, he hoped the answer was no.
“It’s none of your business.”
She stopped in the middle of the room and glared at him. Her arms crossed under her breasts, pushing them up even more. God damn it, how did she keep those suckers from popping free?
He stalked towards her. He couldn’t take it anymore.
She was breathing heavily, those breasts teasing him with their up and down motion. They were practically calling his name.
Reaching up, he grabbed the top of the leather cat suit and pulled it down, baring those delectable globes.
“What the hell…”
She tried to cover herself up, but Cal wasn’t about to let that happen. He pushed her backwards, ignoring the curses she was flinging his way, until she hit the wall.
Regardless of the fact she continued to fight him, he grabbed her slim wrists in his hand, held her in place with his body and bent to taste her breasts.
Di knew that she should be fighting more. And she knew that if she were to put her mind to it, she could give Cal a good fight, but once his warm breath hit her sensitive skin, she lost all motivation to fight.
Though, she did continue with a few token protests.
“I don’t want this,” she said.
He looked up at her from breast level, smiled at her and said, “Liar.”
She was a liar.
And then Cal’s mouth closed over her nipple.
“Oh Gods,” she moaned.
She didn’t think she’d ever been quite so aroused in her entire life.
This was exactly what she needed. She wanted to feel sexual, feel alive. She wanted to forget about everything that happened earlier.
Cal moved his mouth from one breast to the other. But he didn’t suckle her. No, he teased her. He stuck his tongue out and licked his way around her breast, holding it to his mouth in his thick hands.
Her knees threatened to give out.
Cal moved away from her breasts long enough to bite out, “Bed.”
Why did he have to be so damn perceptive?
Di didn’t know how she got there but suddenly she was sitting on the edge of the bed, her legs spread. Cal kneeled between her legs, and once again his hands were kneading her breasts.
And then, he was suckling her.
Her hands came up to tangle in his hair. It was soft, and unfortunately too short to really work her hands in. But she held his head in place as he continued to ravage her breasts.
As he worked her nipples with his teeth, he reached behind her and unzipped her pantsuit from where it was bunched in the middle of her back, all the way down to the top of her ass.
His hands slid inside and caressed her bare skin. They were big and warm. She couldn’t wait to feel them all over the rest of her body.
Cal leaned back slightly to stare at her. She looked down and was shocked to see how bruised her breasts were all ready. Redness from his whiskers spread from her nipples practically to her chin. And was that a bite mark?
Why did the thought of him marking her with his teeth send tingles up and down her spine?
She didn’t want to be marked by anyone. Especially a man.
Cal stood, pulling her up with him. As soon as she was standing, Cal’s mouth crushed against hers. It was a good thing he was holding her up because she was afraid that her knees would have given out.
His tongue swept into her mouth, insisting. She eagerly kissed him back. This kiss was different than any other kiss she’d ever had.
She didn’t know if it had something to do with Cal being the first man she’d ever kissed or the fact she couldn’t ever remember wanting anyone quite this badly.
“More,” she muttered against his lips.
At the same time, her hands went to his shirt. She raked her fingernails over his chest. Even through his shirt she could feel the hard planes of his muscles.
Cal was seriously built.
She slid her hands lower until she reached the spot where his shirt was tucked into his pants. She was desperate to feel his hot skin.
Ever so slowly, she slid her hands under his shirt, pushing it up as she went. Her hands slid over the hard planes of his abs. She was pretty sure that was more than a six-pack.
She needed him bare. Tearing her mouth away from his she pushed the shirt up over his head. Then, she just stared.
His skin was bronzed and rippled with muscles. A very light dusting of hair covered his chest. It’d be just perfect for running his fingers through, she figured.
And she desperately wanted to see more of him.
Quickly her hands went to work on his belt buckle.
Another one of those deep rumbling laughs echoed through his body. At the moment she couldn’t bring herself to care. She was desperate.
She unbuttoned Cal’s pants, but before she could slide down the zipper, he grabbed her ass and pulled her closer toward him, trapping her hands.
His hands slid down into the leather that was only staying up because of her curves.
“No panties?”
She simply shrugged her shoulders and sent a sly smile his way.
Chapter Three
“Nice,” Cal said.
Nice wasn’t even close to an appropriate description. She was fucking incredible.
Sliding his hands further into her pants, he pushed down. The leather was tight, like a second skin, and he had to work to get the pants down her long legs.
And they were long. Miles long.
He bent to his knees to slide the pants the rest of the way down her legs. It brought him to eye level with her pussy.
“Beautiful,” he said.
She was bare except for a small triangle of hair pointing towards her slit. He could just barely make out a small metal piercing on
the hood covering her clit. It was like a beacon beckoning him to the treasures that lay between her legs.
He couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and extended his tongue, swiping up the cream coating her pussy.
She whimpered. He laughed.
But all he gave her was that one tease of what was to come. He went back to sliding her pants down her legs.
He paused at the bottom, removing her heels, and then she stood before him completely naked.
Standing once again he was surprised at how high those heels really were. She’d gone from chin level to hitting him mid-chest.
But since he stood, she’d once again started on his pants, rasping the zipper down and cupping his hard length.
Damn, he thought he might have gotten even harder when her soft hands touched him.
“Nice,” she muttered, repeating his comment from before.
Then she, too, reached around and pushed his pants down to his ankles.
They stood toe-to-toe, naked. Their chests heaved with the exertion of not going any further.
Di didn’t know why he stayed still, but she just wanted to look her fill. She’d seen pictures of naked men before. Every so often they made their way around the club. Usually she confiscated them and tore them up, but she admitted to taking a peek here and there.
But those pictures had nothing on the man standing in front of her right now.
He was like some bronzed God. Di had no idea men like this even existed anymore.
Strength wasn’t as prized today as it had been on the Earth of old, or at least the legends said. But Cal was nothing if not strong.
His wide shoulders tapered to a narrow waist, and then led down to muscular thighs and calves.
But in the center, the piece de resistance, was that magnificent cock rising up to meet her.
Reaching out, she touched it lightly with her fingertips. Cal sucked in a quick breath, but when she would have pulled her hands back, he grabbed her wrist to stop her.
“It’s okay. It just…feels good.”
His cock bobbed of its own accord.
“It’s moving,” she said.
She could hear the awe in her own voice.
She’d never seen anything as magnificent. He was huge. She’d had plenty of experience with vibrators and dildo’s, both by herself and with other women, but she never imagined a real cock would be this much more…interesting, better, just more.