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- Emma Sinclair
Double Jeopardy
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Copyright © 2006 by Emma Sinclair
ISBN: 1-59836-342-5
Cover Art © 2006 by Croco
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Thanks to everyone who patiently listened to me complain about TWO hard-headed Alpha heroes, neither who would do what I wanted.
Chapter One
Cal stood outside the Pussycat All Female Sex club with a smile on his face. He was about to take a step that men never took, a step that could get him tossed in the slammer. He was going to go inside.
He took one last look around the sterile city, the metal buildings that were all the same size and shape. In the sky, the moon, and the twin planet of Ancient Earth glistened in the sky.
Inhaling a deep breath of crisp air, he took a step forward.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
The bouncer stepped in front of him, effectively blocking his way. Cal was a big guy but this one was practically a mountain.
“I’m here to see the owner,” Cal said.
“Sorry. Call tomorrow during daytime hours. Men don’t get in during club hours.”
“Perhaps this will change your mind.”
Cal pulled out his wallet and began flipping through the large wad of colorful bills. He knew he’d found his way in when the large man’s eyes began to sparkle.
Cal held up several large bills. The bouncer snatched them out of Cal’s hand, opened up the velvet rope and ushered him inside.
Cal was heading into the lion’s den.
As soon as the door opened the pounding base washed over him. So far, it wasn’t much different from the Male Clubs where he was supposed to be.
Underground sex clubs were skirting the edge of legality anyway and he was most definitely breaking the law by setting foot in a Female One. Almost a thousand years ago the separations started. Men and women were allowed to meet one another during the day, work together occasionally, but any fraternization with the opposite sex after sundown was completely forbidden.
But that wasn’t stopping him tonight.
The door slammed behind him when he stepped inside.
Instantly his cock began to harden.
There were women in just about every state of undress you could imagine. Cal had always considered himself lucky. He was rich enough that he’d broken the rules by buying himself women who would keep quiet plenty of times over the years.
But he’d never seen anything like this.
The club opened into a huge room decorated in black, red and pink. Strobe lights blinked while other lights sent beams of multicolored lights around the room.
He stayed in the shadows. He knew things would change if women noticed him. And he wanted to look his fill.
Keeping to the shadows, he moved towards the stage. Sweaty female bodies slid together with the hard thumping music. Directly in front of Cal, two women, a blonde and a brunette, shared a passionate kiss, their tongues twining together.
“Damn,” he whispered under his breath. He was nailed to his spot as he watched the two women.
Their tongues still battling, the blonde slid her hands down the front of the brunette, then up under her skirt. The brunette arched backwards, pressing herself into the other woman’s hand.
Cal found himself wishing desperately that they’d strip down and start going at in right in front of him, but after a few whispers, they turned around and walked off the dance floor hand in hand.
Cal remembered the reason he was there in the first place.
And as he turned around to go find that reason, he came face to face with her.
“I think you’re in the wrong place,” she said.
She was fucking gorgeous.
Long, straight black hair framed a pale face with high cheekbones, dark blue eyes and the most kissable mouth he’d ever laid eyes on. Her body was perfection. She wore a one piece, black leather pantsuit that left her shoulders and arms bare and held her breasts up like an offering.
“Cat got your tongue?” She asked.
He shook his head and moved his gaze from those delectable breasts up to her face.
She was smirking.
“I’ve been looking for you.”
Her surprise was obvious.
“You must have the wrong person. Please leave.”
She turned and walked up the stairs that lead to the overhead catwalk circling the dance floor. She obviously expected him to do as he was told.
She was in for a big surprise.
He followed her leather-clad ass up the stairs. It took everything in him not to reach out and grab it. But he didn’t.
She whirled on him at the top of the stairs.
“Look mister…”
“Mister Calix.”
“No,” he said. “Just Calix. But you can call me Cal.”
“Calix, Cal, I don’t really care what your name is because you have to get out of my club. Now.”
She turned around again and began to walk away.
“I need your help, Diana.”
“How do you know my name?”
He simply grinned at her and then leaned back on the catwalk railing. His eyes cut to the writhing women on the dance floor but he didn’t answer her.
Diana was not used to being ignored.
“I asked you, how do you know my name?”
And how in the hell had he found her? She thought she was operating under the radar. She paid her dues, both to the government and the local mob boss. No one should be looking for her.
“That’s not important, and you should know that I know much more about you than just your name.”
He stood up and took two steps that brought them toe-to-toe.
He invaded her senses.
Now that he was standing directly in front of her, she noticed more about him. He was tall. Really tall. She was close to six feet herself and she was wearing towering heels and he still was more than a head taller than her.
His shoulders were broad and his arms were well-muscled, and enhanced even more by the tight grey shirt he wore. His waist was slim and though she didn’t want to look too closely she bet his legs and ass looked great in the leather pants he was wearing.
Before she could look her fill, Diana’s assistant Jaz came out of the second floor office.
“Di, is everything all right?”
A man in the club was definitely something that didn’t happen everyday. Diana could understand her assistants concern.
No, she wanted to scream. Everything was not all right. There was a man in her club and she was way more interested in him than she was comfortable with.
Instead, she said, “Everything’s
fine. Jaz, would you please make sure everything is all right downstairs?”
“Sure. Are you sure you don’t want me to get the bouncer for you?”
“That’s okay, Jaz.” When she started down the stairs Di called her back. “And please keep this quiet.”
“Sure, Di.”
Her assistant disappeared down the stairs and into the throng of writhing bodies.
“Mr. Calix. Please come into my office.”
“But the view is pretty interesting out here.”
Once again his gaze was focused on the dancing women.
“This is why men and women aren’t supposed to mix,” she said.
Cal didn’t respond to that.
“What are those rooms back there?”
She followed the direction of his finger.
“Those are private rooms.”
“You mean the rooms where the women go to fuck.”
Di shook her head.
“Rooms where women go to have sex.”
He shrugged. “It’s just semantics.”
She took a deep breath and managed to keep her mouth shut. Her fists clenched by her side as she fought both her frustration and the urge to kick his ass.
“My office,” she bit out from between her teeth.
“After you,” he said.
He held his hand out for her to precede him, but she didn’t trust the twinkle in his eye.
“No, you first. I insist.”
He laughed then. A husky sound that slid over her like the warm honey sometimes imported from outlying islands. Luckily the leather bustier she wore was thick enough to hide the pebbling of her nipples.
But he did turn around and walk down the catwalk towards her office. And that was the first time she got to see his amazing ass.
The leather pants he wore completely showed it off to perfection. It was tight and round. Diana found herself wanting to take a big bite out of it.
“See anything you like?”
Damn it!
Her eyes snapped up to meet his. She fought the blush that she knew was creeping into her cheeks.
Play it cool, Di.
“Maybe.” She shrugged her shoulders and walked past him into her office. She perched in her chair behind the large stainless steel desk.
“Now, Mr. Calix, what can I do for you?”
“I told you several times now, Diana, you can call me Cal.”
She grit her teeth at the use of her full name, but she wasn’t about to correct him. She wanted this whole thing over with as soon as possible.
He paced her small office, though he couldn’t really take more than two steps in either direction. Finally, he sat down in the chair across from her and spoke.
“I heard you were the best tracker on Gemini.”
She sucked in a deep breath. She hadn’t been prepared for that.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know where you got your information, but you’re mistaken. I’m not a tracker.”
“Anymore,” he said. “I do know that. But I’m willing to make it more than worth your while.”
She assumed he was talking money.
“I assume you can see that I’m a very successful club owner. I don’t need your money.”
He winked at her and lifted one shoulder in a careless gesture.
“There are other things I can offer you besides money.”
“I’m not interested, thank you. Now, I have to get down to the club. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you to leave through the backdoor.”
Once again he laughed that deep rumbling laugh. She felt it all over her body.
“Diana, I don’t give up that easily. You haven’t even asked what I want your help tracking.”
She leaned forward bracing her elbows on her desk. Her breasts practically spilled out over the top of the leather material. If she leaned only a few more centimeters forward her nipples would come popping out.
He mentally begged for her to keep leaning forward.
“Let’s get a few things straight,” she said. “One, I’m not a tracker, but if I were, I most certainly wouldn’t be helping you track someone. I’d be doing it on my own. “Secondly, I don’t need anything that you can offer me. And thirdly, stop calling me Diana. The name’s Di.”
Before Cal had a chance to answer female screams filled the air.
“What the hell?”
Di jumped up and was out of her office in a flash. He was only a step behind her.
“Damn it. What the hell are they doing? My taxes are paid.”
“Taxes? That’s what they call it nowadays? Didn’t it used to be bribes?”
She turned and would have run down the stairs if he hadn’t caught her by the elbow.
“What the hell are you doing? Let go of me.”
She fought like a wildcat, kicking and punching at him. If he hadn’t had at least seventy-five pounds and a couple of inches on her, if not more, she probably would’ve gotten away.
As it was, he was using all his strength to keep her from running straight down into what he had no doubt was a trap.
“Di, damn it, hold still.”
What had made him think she’d listen to that?
“This is entirely your fault,” she shrieked.
Thankfully the music was still loud. That mixed with the commands the guards were issuing and the feminine shrieks were the only thing keeping them from being noticed.
As they continued to struggle, each trying for the upper hand, on the dance floor below, a scene unfolded as if it was a movie.
A guard forced Jaz to the middle of the dance floor. She was forced to her knees. Even from where they were, far above the crowd they could see the fear in the girl’s eyes.
Di continued to struggle, but it lessened slightly. Cal continued to hold onto her tightly.
Down on the dance floor, the guard freed his cock. Hell, for most of the women in the club it was probably the first cock they’d ever seen. Some women shrank back into the crowd. Those were the smart ones. Others let their curiosity get the better of them and moved forward. They weren’t going to be so lucky.
“We need to get out of here,” Cal whispered into Di’s ear.
The music had been silenced.
“I have to help her.”
As much as it pained him to leave Jaz to what the monster of a guard could do to her, Cal could see the other guards getting restless. They wanted a piece of the action, too.
When the guard in the middle of the floor reached down and pulled Jaz’s head back violently, Di cried out.
Or she would have had Cal not thrust one of his hands over her mouth.
“Be quiet.”
She tried to bite his hand. What kind of freak was he that he liked it? He liked it a lot. Her breath was hot on the palm of his hand and her tongue was soft on the bruised flesh.
He was getting hard.
It was a damn inconvenient time to have a cock.
Di stilled in his arms and he knew she could feel him pressing against her backside.
He bent down and whispered in her ear again.
“I have a hot leather clad woman in my arms. It’s a natural consequence. I promise, I’m not going to do anything to hurt you.”
He removed his hand from over her mouth, but didn’t move it far.
On the dance floor below them, Jaz opened her mouth to scream. At the same time guard shoved his cock hard into her mouth. Her eyes went wide and she coughed. But the guard didn’t seem to care. He started fucking her mouth.
“Bite him,” Di whispered.
There was no way the girl could have heard, but she did. Even from above. Cal could see the wicked gleam in the girl’s eye right before her teeth connected with sensitive flesh.
The guard cried out in pain. Jaz kept her teeth clenched over his cock so to remove it from her mouth; he’d have to slide it along the ridges of her teeth.
By the time the guard was free, his breathing was heavy.
“Find t
he owner bitch,” he called, right before he swung the butt of his weapon around and hit Jaz on her right temple.
Her eyes rolled back into her head as she crumpled to a heap on the floor.
“We have to get out of here. Now,” Cal said.
The Di that had been fighting him before was now practically limp spaghetti.
“Come on,” he urged.
He slapped her on the ass and as he’d hoped, that got her moving.
“What in the hell?”
Cal grabbed her hand and sprinted over the catwalk.
“We have to help Jaz.”
With the whack on the head she got, Jaz was way beyond help. But he didn’t think this was the best time to break that to Di.
“Where’s the back door you were telling me about before?”
Di sprinted in front of him and pushed open a door that led to a stairway.
“Fine. Run. I’m going back.”
No, she wasn’t. He had no doubt that if she were to go back, she’d meet the same fate that poor Jaz had just met.
But Cal didn’t have time to argue. Instead, he leaned down and picked her up. He tossed her up over his shoulder and ran down the stairs.
As he could have predicted, she yelled at him the whole way.
“Put me down you big oaf. I mean it.”
But he didn’t. He didn’t put her down until they’d left the club and were half a block down the street.
Then, he set her down in front of him, waiting for the explosion that he knew was going to come.
“We have to go back. I have to help Jaz.”
Di tried to take off towards the club once again, but Cal grabbed her hand. She was ready to fight him again.
“Di, Jaz is beyond help now. We need to get you out of here.”
Jaz couldn’t be beyond help. Di needed her. She couldn’t run the club without her.
Cal was wrong.
She took two steps towards the club when her entire world erupted into a scorching red ball. Then, everything went black.
Chapter Two
Di came to, wrapped in something warm. Warm and soft.